Guess What...

Contrary to popular belief, out-of-pocket expenses over the course of physical therapy are typically less with our fee-for-service model than with a traditional insurance model

Movement Evolution is not your average sports performance & rehab experience. You won’t waste time laying on heat packs, or doing exercises you could do on your own time. You won’t receive treatment from gimmick machines or tools that show no evidence of working. You won’t be handed off to assistants, and you won’t receive treatment from someone treating other patients at the same time.


You WILL work 1-on-1 with an expert Doctor of Physical Therapy who is Dual-Board Certified in Sports & Orthopedics.

Check if your physical therapist is board certified in Sports Physical Therapy here:



Movement Evolution believes you can achieve your goal of living an active lifestyle pain free through the right attention, direction, and education.

You can skip the visit to your physician which will often save you unnecessary co-pays, medications, and costly imaging.

Insurance is NOT in control… YOU are!

Movement Evolution intentionally chooses a fee-for-service model of practice.  Our model allows us to focus on providing direct, 1-on-1 care for you and in a manner that both parties have decided upon.

So often, in the standard insurance-based model and the typical physical therapy clinic, patients have returned a couple months later, frustrated that they received a bill in the mail because their insurance denied their claims- leaving the patient with a bill worth hundreds of dollars!

This is NOT how Movement Evolution operates.

In some instances, you may also personally file for reimbursement from your insurance company to offset some of your out-of-pocket expense. Most insurances provide reimbursement through your “out-of-network” benefits. However, this is not a guarantee.

© 2019 Movementevo.com
The material provided throughout the website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This website is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.